polina lobanova @polina
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question path
- how ways of sharing shape what is being shared?
house-images in dreams
- a house with a garden across from the library from a different dream
- a hexagon-shaped house
- a multi-leveled house with a pond in front
- a house with birch bark wall in plaid pattern
- a house i was born in
- a red brick maze-house
- an empty house with long, wild grass instead of the floor
- a house on the ocean with an orange tree. oranges fall into the salty water.
radio playing
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-00LwMSD-Y&ab_channel=Sartar18
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4hECIcOQ9E&ab_channel=MoiArhiv
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApHJXx3hGe0&ab_channel=VedmedGeoCollection
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb8oJA5Dk7c&ab_channel=Kino-Topic
you felt
- like calling a friend spontaneously
- excited picking up envelope with prints from last summer
- fresh laundry smell and first snow this winter
- the moon was too bright to look at
- something important you could not describe
slow transitions
- breath in–breath out
- cloudy sky–clear sky
- breakup–coming back to yourself
- green tea–milky roibos–milky earl grey–milky saffron
say hi - polinsski@gmail.com
- subject: stone (send an image of a stone)
- subject: color (share with me your favorite color name)