Ben @benjamin

04.03.2025 thankful for @extrapractice 02.03.2025 a nasty end to the week was met with a weekend of nourishment. A long walk in the dunes and along the beach, a swim in the lake and nice chats. Then another cold swim with warm sun this morning and then drawing club with @wietske @gijs and @elliott. 26.02.2025 finished a project yesterday but still waiting for the tension to dissipate. Maybe the sun will help. Also went to visit a super computer today. It smelt like an IT department. 24.02.2025 reordered the list because I like the latest to be at the top 22.02.2025 inspired to start thinking about my website/journal again after reading this interview with @piper about her site/blog: 17.02.2025 Parakeets on the trees, builders on the roof, pigeons on the balcony, solar panels on the shed. 10.02.2025 Good morning, on belay. 09.02.2025 It's writing room time. I've got bread in the oven and browsers on the mind. I've just switched over from Arc to Zen. I've been getting increasingly frustrated with Arc over the last few months. The amount of AI features they're adding to the software and then a couple of weeks ago @elliott's DAP Player stopped working and that was the last straw. Zen feels better firstly because it's built with Firefox rather than Chromium, there's a lot more customization that I can add and it's supported by companies that I feel like are doing good stuff rather than New York VCs. I'll be testing it out over the coming weeks but so far it feels good 07.02.2025
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Best days of the week

  • thursday
  • sunday


  • 23rd July 2020 - Risotto with roasted sweet potato, sage butter, lemon rind and Turkish sheep cheese
  • 4th August 2020 - Giant marrow stuffed with tomatoes, grains (bulgur and quinoa), onions, garlic. Blind baked at first and then stuffed with a layer of Parmesan on top. Served to Beethovens 5th sympthony.
  • 9th August 2020 - Blending tofu with olive oil, parsley (or other herbs) to use as a sauce for pasta

Places to be


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