Wietske @wietske

β—‹ / doing - always sewing, knitting and repairing things, see http://wietskenutma.nl - helping organisations become ZoΓΆps, see https://zoop.earth/en/ - building, growing and maintaining a network for garden- and landscape architecture archives, see: https://nieuweinstituut.nl/en/projects/ontworpen-landschap - growing 1m2 of flax (more below) β—‹ / 1m2 flax / log 17.02.2025 | I learned that traditionally flax seeds are sown a 100 days after the new year, that would be on the 10th of April this year. I'm still searching for the right place to do it. I don't have a garden of my own, and initially I thought about making a wooden crate of 1m2 and putting it on one of our balconies but it doesn't really fit. I had a chat with Stadskwekerij De Kas to see if it's possible to find a spot for it there since they have a lot more space. They were happy to help but told me that their soil is very poor and it might be better to build a crate for it. I'm going to look into what soil conditions flax favours and how I could accommodate that. 24.01.2025 | Ordered a starter kit with seeds for 1m2 of flax from Craft Council Netherlands as part of their '1m2 vlas' campaign that they organise together with The linen project. I want to see if I can produce my own textile locally and cultivate flax myself. Helpful links: - https://thelinenproject.online/previous/1m2-vlas/ - https://stadskwekerijdekas.nl
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Currently making

  • β—‹ Row's Wave Vest, a knitted vest in blue and white. https://www.rowsknitwear.com/product-page/wave-vest-knitting-pattern
  • β—‹ Elliot's trousers, a pair of trousers for Elliot.
  • β—‹ Laurel's shirt, a collection of shirts for Laurel. http://wietskenutma.nl

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