Wietske @wietske

○ / doing - always sewing, knitting and repairing things, see http://wietskenutma.nl - helping organisations become Zoöps, see https://zoop.earth/en/ - building, growing and maintaining a network for garden- and landscape architecture archives, see: https://nieuweinstituut.nl/en/projects/ontworpen-landschap - growing 1m2 of flax (more below) ○ / 1m2 flax / log 26.03.25 | I finished constructing the box with help from B a few days ago. It's been really nice to spend more time at De Kas and by doing so learning more about the space, the people, and Kassie (the cat that lives there). Today I spend some time lining it with a groundsheet and it's ready to be filled up with soil. But what is the right type of soil for flax? What is best for the local ecosystem of De Kas? And where can I get lots of it (for cheap)? De Kas uses organic potting soil by a brand called Bio-Kultura to cultivate their plants. I would love to use this as well but I didn't really think through how much I would need to fill up the box and it turns out to be rather a lot, about 400 - 600 liters. How did I not see this coming? I learned that flax is not too picky, and that a mix of soil, potting soil, sand and clay should be ok. But in such large quantities it doesn't come cheap. I'm thinking of emailing Bio Kultura to see if they'd be willing to maybe sponsor me??? That, plus finding a field nearby and digging up some soil. Other tips/advice/ideas anyone? - The finished box http://wietskenutma.nl/images/250305%201m2%20vlas/IMG_9716.jpg - B and his drill http://wietskenutma.nl/images/250305%201m2%20vlas/IMG_9741.jpg - B and Kassie (the cat) http://wietskenutma.nl/images/250305%201m2%20vlas/IMG_9744.jpg 14.03.25 | I received the package from the Craft Council containing all the seeds, and they also sent over their first video with info about the ideal location and how to prepare your spot. - Package from the Craft Council http://wietskenutma.nl/images/250305%201m2%20vlas/IMG_9722.jpg 05.03.25 | The roots of flax like to dig deep, I read that they need at least 60cm of soil. It's amazing how much can grow from such a tiny seed (about the size of a question mark on your keyboard). This is how I'm thinking of building the container for it: I can use leftover/pre-used materials from De Kas. Each of the sides of the box will consist of 5 planks (14cm in height) stacked on top of each other. This should make it approximately 70cm in height which should be deep enough for the flax. The sides will be held together by 4 wooden posts placed in every corner. I will then screw this 'square' to the palet itself and line the whole structure with jute sacks. 28.02.25 | I went to visit De Kas again on Wednesday and had a chat with Helma about the best place to put this project so that it's not in the way. She has agreed to help me find my way around De Kas. We also figured out how to build a box and decided it should fit on a palet so that it can move around. The best place for it would be the entrance of the glass house structure. I would have to water it myself because of the roof but I'm really looking forward to this caretaking moment every week. 17.02.2025 | I learned that traditionally flax seeds are sown a 100 days after the new year, that would be on the 10th of April this year. I'm still searching for the right place to do it. I don't have a garden of my own, and initially I thought about making a wooden crate of 1m2 and putting it on one of our balconies but it doesn't really fit. I had a chat with Stadskwekerij De Kas to see if it's possible to find a spot for it there since they have a lot more space. They were happy to help but told me that their soil is very poor and it might be better to build a crate for it. I'm going to look into what soil conditions flax favours and how I could accommodate that. 24.01.2025 | Ordered a starter kit with seeds for 1m2 of flax from Craft Council Netherlands as part of their '1m2 vlas' campaign that they organise together with The linen project. I want to see if I can produce my own textile locally and cultivate flax myself. Helpful links: - https://thelinenproject.online/previous/1m2-vlas/ - https://stadskwekerijdekas.nl
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Currently making

  • ○ Row's Wave Vest, a knitted vest in blue and white. https://www.rowsknitwear.com/product-page/wave-vest-knitting-pattern
  • ○ Elliot's trousers, a pair of trousers for Elliot.
  • ○ Laurel's shirt, a collection of shirts for Laurel. http://wietskenutma.nl

Pattern makers I love

  • Merchant and Mills, https://merchantandmills.com/uk/
  • Rows, https://www.rowsknitwear.com
  • Spektakelstrik, https://spektakelstrik.dk
  • Soften Studio, https://softenstudio.com
  • Petite Knit, https://www.petiteknit.com
  • Puff & Pencil, https://puffandpencil.com

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