Kirsten @kirsten
░░ /now
#FFFF00 | spending most days at @extrapractice
#FFFF00 | organising Digital Maintenance Days
#0000FF | working on a number of graphic design/web development commissions
#0000FF | doing thesis design tutoring at DAE and KABK
#00FF00 | wanting to make more computer music in pure data
░░ agenda
2025-02-11 | 16:00–19:00 | Digital Maintenance Day 02: Folder structures (@extrapractice/online)
░░ quick logs
2025-03-13 | continuing my birthday ritual of writing a letter to my one year older self
2025-02-25 | joining @gijs’s research group on self-model-making
2025-02-24 | thinking about BEM structures
2025-02-09 | hanging out in the writing room, downloaded Zen browser thanks to @benjamin
2025-02-07 | special fishing at Varia, very happy with the new colour feature @elliott
2024-12-31 | on the balcony in Rome (IT) combing the fluff from my wool slippers
2024-12-10 | #FF4C00 | ☕️
2024-10-15 | at my desk in XP, in meta-mode (is that #FFF8E7 too?)
2024-10-02 | on the couch at @benjamin’s parents place in Cornwall (UK)
░░ messages
@domitille I think I may have found something you’re looking for...
@domitille tada: – let me know when you’re gonna be in NL so I can give it to you :)
@softerware I wanna try making a Obsidian-based website for some public/private writing, would that be something you'd be into as well?
@softerware yes exactly! would love that
@benjamin <3
░░ colour legend
#FFF8E7 = KS
#0000FF = KS--work
#00FF00 = KS--leisure/skhole/free
#FF4C00 = KS--home/private
#FFFF00 = XP
#FF0000 = GTBT
(Note to self: some of these need to be defined more clearly...)
view the source
Song mood
- Éliane Radigue – Kyema (Intermediate States)
- Mary Lattimore – The Quiet at Night
- Hiroshi Yoshimura – Dance PM
- Porya Hatami – Fen
- Samuel Reinhard – Interior I
- Furtherset – Auras
- Andrew CS – caught in pointers (entire album)