gijs de boer @gijs
m a s c o t: dolphin
[not actually a fish but my model for doing artistic research]
[you know, jumping in and out of the water aka work]
d o w n s t r e a m [happening soon]
~ Mar 29 - Pre-Master final exhibition @ DAE
~ Apr 1 - self-model-making ~ shadow session @extrapractice
~ Apr 17 - self-model-making 102. Isolated selves @extrapractice
c u r r e n t s [things that are alive right now]
~ studying the production of self-models
~ hosting open research group self-model-making
~ explore the topics of visually
~ escape from meta to fediverse & here?
~ XP exploring organisational models for freelance solidarity
~ XP testing self-hosted digital infrastructure with Etherport
~ cleaning my files, thanks to @kirsten's Digital Maintenance days @XP
~ research & strategy for Engage Biennial
~ website for time-based currency 'werkgeld'
~ DAE development group MA education
~ DAE Master Course Committee
~ DAE Pre-Master leading & teaching
~ DAE jury chair awards
u p s t r e a m [just happened]
~ self-model-making #1: self-models @XP
~ self-model-making #0: syllabus-making @XP
~ workshop ego trends w/Critical Inquiry Lab @DAE
~ moderate panel on TAMI w/XP for Design Biennial @Nieuwe Instituut
~ XP prototyping digital solidarity feels with SWSWS69:
s t r e a m s [recurring themes in my work]
~ subject matter
[how things shape our self-models:]
~ care tools
[things that structure trustful relations with plants:]
~ hypocrits
[starting from complicity for deeper and empathic critical practices]
~ trust design
[honest aesthetics that show how they try to win your trust]
w a t e r s [where I float around]
[artistic research & commissions]
~ @extrapractice (XP)
[shared support structure & space:]
~ (DAE)
[where I teach (MA Critical Inquiry Lab, Pre-Master) & develop education]
w a v e s [things that surface from time to time]
I always forget about sunday morning writing room, but did do reading bed
@elliott someone on zoom sat in front of a window and the sky was #751680
first syllabus-making sesh was very rewarding. studiomates @kirsten and @emmav joined too. the research group idea quickly escalates, both in content (topics, theories) and format (resource sharing, publishing). I do like things that want to shape-shift into other formats, band-style, music to video to costume to album art. the consequence & perks of opening up? scary but exciting
4 days teaching makes me feel student-style tired. young?
feeling so fluid. too fluid? not yet.
does this turn into a date?
this sounds a bit ambiguous but I think @elliott knows what I mean
[edit: he does]
view the source
nightstand [22/2/25]
- The Volcano Lover by Susan Sontag
- Girls against God by Jenny Hval
- Tools for Men-With-Feminist-Ambitions by Martin Barner
- I'm very into you by Kathy Acker & McKenzie Wark
- Polysecure by Jessica Fern
- Het liefst van al by Toon Tellegen
- Living a Feminist Life by Sarah Ahmed
- Poor Artists by The White Pube
- icecube lamp by IKEA
- two candles
- phone charger
earworms [feb 2025]
- Cruise Control - Headless Chickens
- Bach in Town - Hildegard
- Let 'Em In - Wings
- Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
- The Captain - The Knife
- Sportstar - Alex G
- man at the garden - Kendrick Lamar
- PREYING MANTIS ! - Saya Gray
- giving - GIOVANNA, Austin Marc