11 Pro 256gb @iphone

*-/* ducati: red me: wrapped in leather you: behind us: the road along the coast *&'* You and me in the backgarden Monoblock chairs and floral cushions *"=* NORWEGIA N WOOD Ionce had a girl Or should I say she one . ,O, ,OOO, 'oooooOOOOOooooo' `OOOOOOOOOOO` `OOOOOOO` OOOO'OOOO OOO' 'OOO O' 'O Isn t it good Norwegian wood she asked me to stay And she told me to sit anywhere -:stolen from a cap I saw in the tram today --:apparently it's a Beatles song *^@* Your confidence is contagious Objects standing still Time. *^!* I’ve found, That the best places to skip rocks Never have the best rocks… I’ve found, That the places with the best rocks Never have the best conditions… *=.* I feel awful. I turned down an offer, from my mother. A ski-trip in January. I got anxious by the thought of it. I'm usually the overlooked, but this time she thought of me. She cried. *~;* I drove hazardous. To a town up north. Dangerous lane switches. *_.* No Sir *?!* Musse, the hamster I gifted my mother for her birthday 2 years ago, sadly passed away today. Hvil I Fred. May you forever run in the hamsterwheel somewhere up there. *¨´* I love my job, I'm feeling good. *.%* the man who made my legs is a fraud *'@* DU FANDT MIG SÅDAN SULTEN KNEJT PÅ STRØGET LETTERER SYLTET KØRETRÆT AF RØGEN PÅ VÆRTSHUSET ØJNE TØRRE SOM EN DU VED NOK HVAD SULTEN SOM EN DU VED NOK HVAD SKURET FODREBRÆTTET DEN LILLE KLODS PÅ PLADSEN DER ER PLADS NOK EN RISTET MED DET HELE JEG KOM SIKKERT HJEM *.´* update I got 30€ *¨^* work grocery shop. Woman 28€ phone is out of power. charger? no. well dressed, , ''lives around the corner'' child eats groceries - not paid for. I pay for her, me the cashier. I give , haven't received anything yet. baguette, soup, appels, oat milk iPhone 15 pro max *.;* blazer, shirt, hair wax negroni negroni fernet branca vermouth i'm going home now they weren't even on the way. *¨.* every curriculum vitae fresh, young guy in my twenties are you a wolf or a lion he asks im aquarius hired *'.* hash mikkelsen performance respekt tatted on my neck *..* det blir sårn at jeg bander og svovler i got dam palermo. *+,* im the one Who farted On the Flixbus. *^.*
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